
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summer is over...

The summer went by so quickly this year. But, we managed to fit quite a lot into it and had a nice balance of work, home projects and visits with family.

Yesterday was Brett's first day back at work and my first day back at home alone with Ella. Neither of our days went quite as we expected -- I had a day full of temper tantrums (mostly Ella's) and Brett spent several hours helping other teachers troubleshoot computer problems. Neither of us felt nearly as productive as we hoped to be. But, the day ended nicely with dinner with a few friends at our favorite local restaurant Firestone Brewing Company. At dinner, we said farewell to our friends James and Erika Kerr who had just finished packing up their house for their big move to Oregon where James will be starting a new job. They should be on their way up north as I type this. We will miss them, but know that the chances are good that we'll see them again. Since Brett has so much family in Oregon, we hope to visit the Kerrs during one of the inevitable trips to visit family there.

It's funny how life changes in unexpected ways. A few months ago, we envisioned that our Fall would look quite different than what it is turning out to be. Right now, we're feeling the loss of friends who have moved and of family who won't be moving near us this fall as we had hoped. But, I realize that it is part of God's plan for this season of our lives. So, I'm trying to stay positive and focus on getting organized, helping Brett in whatever ways I can, preparing Ella and our home for a new baby, and getting a little more involved in our community. Needless to say, I will probably have my hands full this Fall.

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