
Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Day on My Own

Today was a rare day. I had 7 whole hours to myself! I can probably count on one hand the number of times that has happened since Ella was born. It came about because I had been invited to a baby shower for Sara Ribbens, a friend from church. Sara is due one month to the day ahead of me. The shower was at noon so I was able to go down to Santa Barbara on my own while Brett stayed at home with Ella. I had no worries about leaving Ella behind because 1) I have an extremely competent husband and 2) I think Ella has more fun with Dad than with me! So, it was a nice break to enjoy good food, good company and celebrate the impending birth of Baby Owen. Afterwards, I was able to do a few errands in Santa Barbara without having to tote around and entertain Ella. For a mommy that is a treat!

As for Ella and Brett, they had a fun day too. Paul, one of the boys that Brett mentors, came up to visit with his mom Linda in the afternoon. Brett has known Paul since 5th grade, and he is just a great kid...I mean young man. It's hard to believe that he is already a sophomore in high school! Anyway, Paul has a great interest in cars and wanted to help Brett work on his car. They had a blast together. While they got their hands dirty, Linda was kind enough to take Ella to the Jazz Festival in Solvang and play a bit in the backyard before naptime. I got home just as it was time for them to head home for dinner. Speaking of dinner, I should get to figuring out what we're going to eat! Enjoy your weekend!

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