
Monday, September 10, 2007


A few months ago, we had our end-of-the-year MOPS meeting. MOPS is a great organization that helps connect and support Mothers of Preschoolers -- actually even pregnant women can join. (If you know of a woman who might benefit from MOPS, direct her to where she can find out about local MOPS groups.) I've been going to our local MOPS for two years and I absolutely love it. At the last meeting, many women shared what MOPS has meant to them and I was touched by what many of them said. I left feeling very blessed by the part that MOPS has played in my life and a bit sad that we woudn't be meeting for the summer.

Combined with this experience and talking to my sister Jessica, the homemaker/freelance writer, I was inspired to try writing an article for the MOPS International magazine -- MOMSense. Once upon a time, I was actually a pretty good writer in school and in college. I thought, "Why not? I might as well give it a try." So, I did. In the beginning of July, I submitted an article to them. Then, just last week, I checked my email and noticed that there was something in my junk mail. Usually, it's just that...junk. But, lo and behold, there was an email from MOMSense indicating that they wanted to publish my article along with a contract for me to sign! I quickly removed it from junk mail, did a little happy dance and cracked Ella up. Just today, I got another email from the editor with an attached PDF of the article in its almost-final form for me to proof. They've edited it a bit and added a few words that technically aren't mine...but I guess that is standard procedure. But, if it all goes according to plan, my article will appear in the November / December Issue of MOMSense magazine!

For months (uh, maybe years), I've been trying to figure out what I can do to contribute financially to our family and still be a stay-at-home mom. Writing articles for parenting-related magazines might be that thing, but I'm not sure. For the past couple months, I've been doubting my ability and whether I actually have enough mom-experience and creativity to keep coming up with articles. But, this experience has definitely been an encouragement to make the time to pursue this more and see what happens.

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