
Thursday, September 13, 2007

"You can't be 'stracting me."

In the last week or so, Ella has started playing with her baby dolls again. Perhaps this was spurred on by the visit of her cousin Baby Amelia. Anyway, the other day, Ella was sitting in her rocking chair with a baby doll wrapped in one of her special blankies. She had the baby cuddled up next to her stomach and said to me, "Mom, I'm feeding my baby so you can't be 'stracting me." I couldn't help but laugh about it. I guess when Amelia was here, we might have asked Ella to back off a bit so Ameila wouldn't be distracted from nursing. Apparently, it made an impression! When I noticed that she was holding the baby to her stomach, I asked her where the baby got the milkies. She responded, "From my belly." I guess she wasn't watching Auntie Aimee too closely! But, in the months to come, I think she will see more than enough nursing around this place.

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