
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Los Olivos Days 2007

Despite my lingering cold, Ella & I headed out to Los Olivos Days this morning which is an almost annual tradition with my friend Joanne and her son Caleb. (I don't think we went last year since I had a fever). This year, we actually made it in time for the parade. It's definitely a small town parade -- old cars, tractors, horses and candy being thrown out to the parade watchers. After the parade was over, we just cruised around looking at the booths. Joanne & I usually stop off at the Used Book table and see what we can find. Today, I just picked up a history book for kids about Harriet Tubman -- I figured Brett would approve. Over the last few months, he's been buying history books for Ella. I have to admit, I end up learning stuff too when I read them to Ella. Anyway, afterwards we stopped off at a booth and got some Mexican food and sat while the two munchkins ran around on the grass. It was a nice relaxing morning, and it felt good to get out of the house and spend time with a friend. I've felt like too much of a hermit in Brett's absence! I honestly don't think I would like it if he had a job that involved lots of travel. Ella & I are both looking forward to his return tonight.

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