
Friday, October 19, 2007

This Weekend

It's kinda strange. Brett was gone last year during this same weekend to do a presentation at a History teaching conference on the East Coast, and I got sick. It was pretty bad -- I had a horrible fever and pretty much let Ella watch videos all day long while I laid on the couch in agony. Now, he is gone again to present at History teaching conference in Texas, and I'm sick again! Fortunately, I'm not quite as ill as last year. So far, it is just a head cold but I can't really take much for the symptoms. I just have to let my body work it out.

Unfortunately, it's putting a cramp in all the fun plans I had for Ella and I in his absence. Tonight the Presbyterian preschool is having their annual Harvest Festival. I was hoping to take Ella -- she could wear her Sleeping Beauty costume and have some fun with other little ones. Tomorrow, I was hoping to go to Los Olivos Days with my friend Joanne to see the parade and look at all of the booths. I guess we could still go...we'll just have to wait and see how I feel.

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