
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

36-Week Check-Up

Well, I had some good news today at my check-up. I did NOT test positive for Group B Strep which means I do not need to have antibiotics during labor and delivery. One in four women has GBS so it is not unusual, but it can cause problems in newborns if they become infected. They recommend that you have antibiotics at least 4 hours prior to delivery if you do test positive. I tested positive when I was pregnant with wasn't awful, but I'd prefer not to have to do it again. I'm just thankful that it is one less thing I need to worry about during labor.

Also, Dr. Echt decided to do an ultrasound to see how the baby is situated. From looking at my belly, she thought the baby was either breech or O.P. (head down, but face-up). Babies in the OP position tend to take longer to deliver, as was the case with Ella. Thankfully, the ultrasound showed that the baby is head-down (good news) but she couldn't tell which way the baby was facing. That part can change in the coming weeks. Dr. Echt also took some measurements and it appears that the baby is 6 pounds so she doesn't think I'll be having an almost 9-lb baby this time around.

As I head into the last 3 1/2 weeks of pregnancy, I'd love your prayers...that the baby would in the right position (head down, face-back), that the details with Ella's childcare during labor/delivery would work out well, for strength & peace during the labor process and for a healthy baby! Thank you!

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