
Monday, December 31, 2007

After a long wait...

...we're still waiting.

Ella (pictured above as a newborn) is still waiting to become a big sister and our new baby is still sitting quite comfortably in my womb. I never thought that I would make it to my due date let alone past it. So much for my mother's intuition! Yesterday came and went with no baby. So, I only have about 12 hours left to have a December baby and the tax-deduction that goes with it. Chances are that won't be happening...but the chances of having my doctor now are much better since she is back from vacation. I guess Baby wants Dr. Echt to be around for the big arrival.

Although the Aunties, Uncle & Cousins from Oregon are on their way home today, we've still got Auntie Aimee, Uncle Troy & Cousin Amelia to keep us company here. We're just planning on hanging out at home for a quiet New Year's Eve...unless of course the baby has other plans. We'll update the blog as soon as anything happens and we have internet access.

Happy New Year everyone!

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