
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

It's after 5pm on Christmas Day and the presents still sit wrapped beneath the tree -- quite a far cry from the Christmas mornings of my childhood! Ella doesn't have present greed, so that is actually a nice thing.

Brett's parents came up last night and we went to a Family Christmas Eve service at a local church and then had a quiet dinner at home. One of our little family's traditions is to open a present on Christmas Eve. I got a pair of beautiful Clark's sandals from Brett. Ella got a cute t-shirt from me and toy car from Brett. Okay, so we broke tradition and let her open two. The t-shirt was the only thing I had wrapped and she wasn't that crazy about it. But, she DID enjoy her car -- I guess Daddy has the touch in buying gifts. Ella gave Brett his present from her which she had been telling him for days was a "froggie". She wasn't lying -- she did pick out a net bath sponge with a rubber froggie on it for him!

Today was a lazy day. I slept horribly last night -- although I went to bed at 11pm, I couldn't fall asleep until 3am. Thankfully, my in-laws did Ella Duty so that we could sleep in a bit. Ella did open a few stocking gifts -- a children's music CD, glitter sunglasses and a matchbox Lightning McQueen. Around noon, we headed to a local park for a picnic lunch and playtime. After that, Bonnie & Randy headed home and we went back to the condo for a much needed nap. I fact, Ella is still sleeping. Soon, we'll have dinner and finally get around to opening presents.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! We'll keep you updated if anything should happen with Baby Piersma!

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