This is Brett, updating on behalf of my other, um, half. Not much to say, except that it is raining outside, but not in here. That is to say, no water. There may be a flood soon, and I don't mean outside. However, the Doc is not here yet, which may be explained by the flood, that is, the one outside. When the Doc does arrive through the flood to the promised land, she will bring the outside in. Or, in other words, the insides will come out...
Over and out!
Over and out!
Oooooh Brett!! Maybe YOU are in need of some drugs. Or perhaps, you have already indulged??
Anxiously awaiting the new member of your family!! Rain is a good sign...a literary technique authors use to symobolize people who are especially blessed! Mucho love to you guys...
Brett, you are too funny! We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to hear the outcome of all this! Sounds like you're getting some rain down there too?? It's nice and warm here in Bend! We're adding a little BOY to our family (just found out!). Looking forward to that baby of yours!!!
This is the first time that I've been on your blog, and look what I found! I hope everything goes well for you. I'll say a prayer for you guys and check back later. If you get tired of the rain, we'll send you some Minnesota snow!
Praying for you all. Janel, you are a champ! Do you two need any anything? You are just 5 min. away. Give us a call if you want. Sooo looking forward to meeting your newest addition. You are going to have a precious little baby soon, one way or another. We will pray for the way. (And Brett... the drugs are suppose to help janel, not you, silly.) Schaleskys
Great job on your cameo blogspot. Quite intersting and visual. LOVE you guys. The picture is great!
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