
Monday, March 16, 2009

Extreme Makeover: Girls' Room Edition

So, in just a few weeks, Brett and Ella are off on their adventure together. About a week ago, I had the idea that I could do something special for Ella while she was gone...makeover her & Lucie's bedroom! My sweet mother did this for my sister Jamie and me one summer while we were traveling with our dad. It was such a wonderful surprise! I thought it might be kinda fun for Ella...then again, maybe it won't be. Four-year olds can be unpredictable. But, I'm going to do it anyway. If anything else, it will keep me occupied while they are gone. Plus, Brett has been wanting more color and better lighting in there anyway for some time.

Originally when we were expecting Ella, we decided on yellow walls and gender-neutral bedding since we didn't know if we'd be having a boy or girl. Plus, I thought if we ended up having two kids in a room that gender-neutral would be the way to go. After Ella was born, we made the room a bit more feminine with a pretty quilt on the extra twin bed and added some more girly artwork on the walls. However, now that I have TWO daughters, I'm finally giving myself permission to girly-up the room! Plus, Ella LOVES pink and there is not a bit of it in the room right now.

Overall, I do think that it is a cute room right now with a couple of weaknesses. The window coverings are pretty plain and don't keep out much light. We have one cheap hanging Ikea light that leaves much to be desired. And as far as color goes, it could use a bit more. Brett, my Renaissance man, built a beautiful bookcase with a dark brown & white crackle finish, but we don't really have brown anywhere else. I'd love to bring some more of that into the room to unify everything a bit more.

So, for the past week, I've been obsessed with searching out stuff for the room online and at stores. I realized that if I need to order items, I need to do it now so that they'll be here during remodel time. However, I'm realizing that I need to just go ahead and make decisions because I can't just keep browsing. I have so much else to do in my life! So, I think I'll add some wall decals, replace the window coverings and hardware, get new bedspreads and make some shams and pillows to bring all the colors together. I just hope it looks as good in real life as it does in my head. I'll try to post things as I decide on them and will definitely show the finished product.


  1. We need a BEFORE picture!

  2. Only you would be planning a remodel when you are home without a hubby, but with a nursing baby. :)

    Before, during, and after pic please. And I am sure it will look great!

    Have fun!

  3. Good point on the before pic, ladies. Maybe I'll take one today and post it tomorrow. You know, as I look at the room again, I do think it is cute as it is. More than anything, the room needs a big dejunking and organizing. But, I will soon need matching bedding for two twin I guess it is a good excuse to redo it. I am wondering how I'm going to get the curtain rod up though...I wasn't strong enough to put it up the first time.

  4. I'm sure G'pa Lee could come over and help you with that. Let me know and I'll get you the phone # and let him know you'll be calling.

  5. I think you should look for some of those eco-friendly curtains...not from any "green" obsession, but because they insulate from light, heat and cold...and that window in their room lets in a lot of cold. I saw them somewhere once for only about $30, but they also only came in solid colors. Something to think about. may have more info on it because I read about them in that mag.

  6. Aimee, that's a good suggestion. I haven't heard of "green curtains" before...but I've heard of the blackout ones. They're supposedly good for light, heat and cold too. They are not easy to find (especially in girly colors) but Pottery Barn Kids has some that are solid colored and some that are gingham. So, I've got a PBK gift card coming from my credit card company and hope to get some for little out-of-pocket. I just hope that it comes in time for me to get them ordered. Maybe I'll check to see if they have info there on the ones you're talking about. Thanks!
