
Sunday, April 12, 2009

On their way home...

I just got a call a little while ago...and my two travelers are on their way home! I can hardly believe that ten days without my hubby and eldest child have passed. I look forward to seeing their beautiful faces tomorrow night!

All in all, it has been a good week. Although I didn't expect the week to be easy as a "single mom", it actually turned out to be just that. Lucie was a joy and I loved getting to spend more one-on-one time with her. Plus, there was the added bonus of not feeling pressure to cook and clean on a specific schedule!

But, I think we are both more than ready to have Ella and Brett back with us. Whenever Lucie sees pictures of them or I mention their names to Lucie, she gets very excited, giggles and "talks" to me in her gibberish. I can't wait to see how she responds when they finally arrive home. And, I can't wait to see how Ella responds to her new room. I am not quite finished, but hopefully I can get a few things done tomorrow before they get home. We'll see...

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