
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Fairy Dust

Like I said the other day, Ella is enthralled with the world of fairies at the moment. Not only does she think about fairies at home, but she thinks about them at school as well. She goes to preschool twice a week, and one of her favorite things to do is play pretend with her friends. And well, fairies are now a big part of their imaginative play.

I guess they try to make it as "real" as possible. I just recently discovered that Ella has been sprinkling her friends with "fairy dust". When I inquired what exactly she was using for dust, she told me that she uses SAND! But, she assured me that she only sprinkles it on the back of their heads and doesn't get it in her eyes. However, I didn't feel too bad once I realized that her friends have apparently been reciprocating...her scalp has had a nice accumulation of sand on it too!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, she is too much. She is a funny fairy! Ha
