
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to School

Today is one of the big days in our family life - it's Back to School for Brett. After enjoying two lovely months with him at home, he's back to teaching high school. He truly is a gifted teacher, but even still it is difficult at times. This year will be particularly challenging as he is teaching 5 classes...and 4 different subjects. It's always a difficult transition going from two months of no teaching to intense, action-packed days. He is in constant motion while he's teaching so he is usually physically and mentally exhausted by the time school is done. The first day is always one of the most exhausting.

To help him through his day, I packed a special lunch for him today with a little note. I've decided that packing a good lunch is just one way that I can encourage him while he's at work. Maybe, just maybe, if he has a good lunch to look forward to, he might actually take a break during lunch. It seems that his classroom is just as busy as ever during lunch. Hopefully, if he can relax and refuel even briefly during the day, it will make for a better teaching experience.

So, while he is working away at school, I'm working away at home and getting myself organized for the year. I've got my Desk Calendar printed and I'm ready for the fall! For me, it's a slower transition to full-speed as Ella's and my activities don't start until the second week of September. Ella will be returning for her 2nd year of preschool, and I will be continuing to help out with our local Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group. We are both looking forward to a little more fun activity out of the house.

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