
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Recipe Swap: Crudités Nature Sandwich

Today on Ultimate Recipe Swap, Jessica posed the theme, "What's your favorite recipe?" Honestly, I don't know that I have a definitive answer on that one. I'm a middle child and I've got a problem making decisions. However, if I judge it by recipes that always bring a smile to my face, some of my favorites are Pasilla Enchiladas and Tri-Tip for dinner and Lemon Cream Cheese Pie and Toffee Dream for dessert. But, last night I was packing my husband's lunch and contemplating what favorite recipe I could share today, I thought of a Crudités Nature Sandwich.

It was over ten years ago that I was introduced to the Crudités Nature Sandwich. (For those of you who don't know French, "crudités" are simply uncooked or paritally cooked vegetables that are served cold, and "nature" means plain.) I was studying abroad in France, and I discovered this simple sandwich in a little restaurant near the Université. Originally, I ordered it because it was just about the cheapest thing on the menu (about $1.50, I think) but I kept ordering it at least once a week because it was so good. Although I don't make this simple sandwich very often, it always brings a smile to my face...especially with "beaucoup de la vinaigrette". For me, that's the secret...lots of vinaigrette!

Crudité Nature Sandwich

Fresh french baguette
roma tomatoes, sliced in rounds
butter lettuce (I usually use Live Gourmet Living Butter Lettuce)
hard boiled egg, sliced
vinaigrette dressing (recipe below)

  1. Cut off a length of baguette for your sandwich. Usually, it was about half a baguette. Cut the baguette in half lengthwise and hollow it out slightly.
  2. Layer in the tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and butter leaf lettuce.
  3. Drizzle on vinaigrette dressing to your taste. I always like a lot on mine to help moisten the bread.

Homemade Vinaigrette Dressing
6 Tablespoons olive oil.
2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
pinch of sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Put the olive oil and wine vinegar in a small bowl and mix with a fork. Whisk in the mustard and sugar until it thoroughly blended. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

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