
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Cleaning Streak: The Front Porch

Alas, my homecleaning plans haven't continued as well as I would have liked in the past week. Unfortunately, I got a head cold that just doesn't seem to want to leave me completely. Add one kid with an ear infection and a toddler who is cutting a tooth to the equation, and I have really preferred resting to deep-cleaning my house. However, I must press on if I actually want my home to sparkle by the end of the month.

I've managed a little bit here and there when I've had the energy and the motivation, but my big project has been our front porch. (Okay, so technically, it's not a porch since we live in a condo but that's what I'll call it for lack of a better word.) Since I normally enter the house through our garage, I really don't look at the front porch that often. But when I do, the cobwebs just scream at me "Clean us!" Unfortunately, I've usually got two rugrats in tow and don't have the time to get the job done. Then, it is out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Organized Home's Cleaning Grand Plan has been a good reminder that cleaning the Front Porch is an important aspect of your home and a great place to start cleaning. So, while the girls looked on and played on the front grass, I got to work with a broom, my Magic Eraser, some water and a towel. Although it's not perfect, it is so much better than it was. I'd love to add some flowers for a nice pop of color by the front door, but I'm notoriously bad at remembering to water them. (Remember, out-of-sight, out-of-mind?!) I suppose that I could take a page out of my mom's book and use silk flowers instead. I'll have to think about it. But, for right now, I'll just enjoy the progress that I've made thus far.

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