
Friday, October 30, 2009

Frugal Friday: Homemade Gifts

My husband and I both come from rather frugal upbringings. It's not all that surprising when you know that there are FIVE children in both of our families. It was a necessity for our parents while we were growing up. Now that we've got two small children and live on one teacher's salary, it's a necessity for us too. One way that we try to watch our spending is by giving homemade (or semi-homemade) gifts to our numerous relatives and friends at Christmas. Yes, Halloween is tomorrow, and yet I'm talking about Christmas! Well, I started on the Christmas Countdown from Organized Christmas this week so I've got Christmas gifts on the brain.

Although they tend to be more economical, handmade gifts are also usually more time-consuming. Thus, it's important to start them ahead of time. Last year I had some creative homemade gifts for various family members; however, they drove me a bit batty as I was putting the finishing touches on them on Christmas Eve. Vowing not to do that again, I'm already planning what gifts I want to make this year.

In all honesty, most of the handmade gifts I've given in the past have been inspired by gifts I've received or have seen on the internet. That's why I've decided to share the love by sharing some ideas for homemade gifts. If all goes according to plan, I'll post an idea each Monday for "Make-It Monday". I'll try my best to post a variety of ideas -- some for kids and some for adults. Now, I know that not everyone is a Martha Stewart (I know I certainly am NOT!). So, in addition to some crafty gifts, I'll include some semi-homemade gifts as well that don't require crafting skills. I hope you'll join me!

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