
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rainy Day

It's raining today. I mean, really raining. It hasn't let up all day and isn't scheduled to until Thursday. My backyard is already getting pretty soaked, but it does look pretty in the rain. There is something beautiful about how the colors of the flowers and plants just pop out against the gloom of the day.

The cold and rainy weather is making me crave warm things. I've already had a nice cup of PG Tips black tea (thanks for the box Aimee!), and I'm contemplating scrapping the dinner plan of tri-tip burritos for Butternut Squash and Chicken Soup. Once I get the girls into naptime, I might even make some Zucchini Bread with the zukes my dad brought me from his garden. I just might share that recipe on Thursday for Ultimate Recipe Swap - the theme is baked goods. Maybe I'll even throw some chocolate chips in the mix for good measure.

Welcome Autumn!

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