
Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Countdown Update

It is the evening of December 13th, and my Christmas planning did not turn out quite like I had hoped it would. From late November to late January, I am a busy woman. I've got Thanksgiving followed by my husband's birthday, then Christmas and then both of my daugthers' birthdays. Last year was immensely stressful for me, and I didn't want to walk down that road again. So, I had hoped to really be on top of things this year and have all of my Christmas planning done by December 5th. Yeah, that didn't happen.

I have been planning and working toward my goal since October. But, I think I forgot how much time and energy a road trip takes. Our trip to Oregon for Thankgiving took probably about a week and a half out of my Christmas planning time between the trip preparations, the driving there/back, the stay in Oregon and the time it took to recover from it! So, if I tack on those extra days to my original deadline, I should be on track if I finish by Wednesday, right?

Although I fell short of my goal, I am miles ahead of where I was last year at this time. Last year, I had NOTHING done at this point. Right now, I've really just got a few presents to purchase and all of them to wrap. But, I did manage to:
  • Make, buy and deliver gifts for all the Oregon family (Mom & Dad excluded since they'll be here after Christmas).
  • Buy & decorate our tree (despite the slight debacle that it became)
  • Make & paint Christmas cookies with the girls
  • Order / purchase the majority of our gifts

My revised goal is to get my Christmas planning done by Wednesday or Thursday. Brett begins vacation on Friday so it would be wonderful to have it all done so that we can enjoy our time as a family together.

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