
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

On My Way to A Better Grocery Budget

Being the meal planner and chef of the family, I am the one who plans and shops for our groceries. For the most part, my hubby doesn't step into a grocery store all that often unless I've failed to provide adequate lunch for him (there is a store across from his work) or if I need him to pick up something on his way home. By far, our Grocery expenses are the budget category that I have the most control over...for good or bad.

For at least a year, I've been in awe of Crystal, Money Saving Mom, and how she feeds her family on just $40/week (plus one dinner out per week). I've tried to watch my spending in the grocery store, but I admit that it's been a struggle. So, this month I'm going to be following Crystal's series "31 Days to a Better Grocery Budget" and see what tips that I can pick up from who I see as the Queen of the Grocery Budget!

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