
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring Clean Along

Okay, it's been a week since we've been back in our normal routine and I'm finally starting to get my bearings. It seems as though taking a vacation requires a lot of work -- lots of planning and packing beforehand and then lots of unpacking, cleaning and sorting on the return end. However, spending 9 days away from home was a nice break from most of my daily responsibilities.

Now that I'm a bit more settled in, I've started catching up on my blog reading. My sister Jessica has been hosting a Spring Clean Along at LifeAsMom. She's been doing it all month, but as we left for Greece on April 1st, I've missed all of it! But, it's never to late to start cleaning.

One of my great frustrations this week was the massive amounts of STUFF in my home. It was such a challenge to unpack because all of the drawers and cupboards that the stuff needed to go into were bursting at the seams. Everywhere I turned to put something away, I found that there was also a lot of STUFF that needs to find a new home. It took me a week, but yesterday I finally managed to put away all of my toiletries and clean out my bathroom drawer that was such a jumble that my husband couldn't even find toothpaste. My goal for the rest of this week? Clean out the cupboards in the same bathroom. Less is more, right?

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