
Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Last Monday was a special day at our house. It was Ella's first day of Kindergarten! Since she is our first child, it was even more momentous. Although school doesn't start until 8:25am, we were there bright and early at 8:00am. Brett also started back to school that same day (inservice, not with students), so we wanted to be there when he could help drop her off.

Ella was excited rather than nervous for her first day. She was thrilled to share a double desk with a boy named Dylan and to have her very own pencil box loaded with school supplies.

When we got home after school, I asked Ella a few questions about her first day of school.

What was the best thing about your first day?
The snack! I liked the Babybel cheese and the fruit roll.

What was the best thing about school?
I liked the visor that I made. [They made a "First Day of Kindergarten" sun visor out of cardstock and pipe cleaners.] We played with different colored cubes and you can make huge, huge buildings with them. And they are fun.

Did you make any new friends?
My new friends are Dylan and Hatziry. They sit next to me.

What do you think of your teacher Mrs. Hammill?
I am so happy that she is my teacher.

What was the worst thing about your first day?
I didn't get to go on the playground today because Mommy packed a huge, tremendous snack. I took to long to finish my snack because I didn't know it was time to go inside.

I guess even Mom has some things to learn in this new school year!

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