
Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Recap

Ah, what a week! Christmas came and along with it came an influx of visits from family. We enjoyed a nice Christmas morning at home, a relaxed meal with my parents and two of my siblings on the day after Christmas, and a fun visit with my sister-in-law Dawn and our niece and nephew from Oregon. As I type, my sweet nephew Simon is reading stories to my girls so I have a quiet moment to blog. I figure that I better write about Christmas before the new year is here!

I just have to is so fun to have two little girls in the house at Christmas! Now that the girlies are nearly 6 and 3, they find enjoyment in the festivities. On Christmas Eve, they opened the traditional gift of pajamas, but the pajamas weren't quite so traditional. Deluxe Princess Nightgowns from the Disney Store! Yes, they really are nightgowns. The girls just LOVE them and didn't bother getting out of them at all on Christmas day.

Of course, then we got down to the business of opening gifts. Santa left stockings for the girls filled with a combo of fun and functional gifts. Funnily enough, the girls were most excited by their new Arm & Hammer "My Way" SpinBrush toothbrushes that they could decorate with stickers. I can't say that I'm disappointed with that.

We also bought a few more gifts for the girls. They each received a set of Playmobil toys (which would coordinate nicely with their Playmobil Take Along Princess Chest that they would receive from Nanna). They also got a Disney Princess AND Prince doll -- Ella got Ariel & Eric and Lucie got Belle & The Beast. My sister Jamie and I would have gone crazy if we had unwrapped something that cool on Christmas morning. I guess you can sense my motivation for buying that gift.

The girls also picked out the typical gift for a dad -- new ties! I wouldn't have had them do that except that Brett actually likes ties and uses them everyday for work. They each told me what color they wanted to buy him: red for Ella, purple for Lucie. Then, we checked out the different ones online at Men's Wearhouse. I realized that Lucie can't keep a secret just yet when she told Brett that we wrapped up a "scarf" for him. Thankfully, he didn't really understand what she said, so his gifts were still a surprise on Christmas morning.

All in all, it was a lovely day. And now, I better get to planning this evening's festivities!

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