
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Love. Support. Encouragement. Fun.

When I picked Ella up from school last week, she was very grumpy. I'm not sure what exactly was the cause on that particular day. Tired. Hungry. Missing home. A combination of the above. When we made it home, I fixed her some lunch and she asked, "Mom, can I watch Pride & Prejudice?" She even asked for the super-long BBC version! Obviously, I didn't let her watch ALL of it that afternoon, but it did put her in a much better mood.

Of course, I couldn't help but watch some of it with her as I did my work around the house. It got me to thinking about the lovely relationship between the two eldest Miss Bennetts -- Jane and Lizzy. They love, support, encourage, and have fun with one another. Although this is only a fictional relationship, I heartily wish that my Ella and Lucie will grow to share a loving, supportive, encouraging and fun relationship.

This past weekend as we were hanging out with just the three of us, I caught one of those precious glimpses of what the future will hopefully hold for them. They played and laughed together. They helped one another. And, Ella even helped and encourage Lucie as she was potty training. I felt so blessed as a mom so see that they are well on their way to having a wonderful relationship. It made my heart very, very glad.


  1. P&P always makes me feel better, too.

  2. Doesn't it though? It also makes folding the pile of laundry much easier!
