
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Booking It in 2011

Once upon a time, I was a reader. Oh, did I love to read! However, once I started reading a book, I couldn't put it down until I finished the last page. Needless to say, that particular reading style doesn't jive well with marriage and being a mother to 2 kids. So, my marathon reads have been few and far between during the past decade or so. I usually reserve them for when my hubby is out of town. That's pretty much how I got through Harry Potter and the Twilight Series. (Yes, sometimes I read juvenile fiction. And yes, those two series are quite addictive.)

This year, I think I'm going to attempt to read and not to neglect my family in the process. I figure if I can read one book a month (and avoid any seriously addicting series of books), I might find some enjoyment and maybe learn something new along the way. So, I'm going to join the other readers at Life as Mom for "Booking It in 2011." For some months, I will follow along with the "assigned" reading and for some I'll "choose my own adventure." Of course, I'm not so organized that I've actually assigned specific months to certain books. But, this is what I'm looking at over the course of the year:
Of course, I reserve the right to change this list at any moment...but this is what I'm thinking of right now. Hey, what is Lord Jim doing in that picture above? Under no circumstances will I be adding Lord Jim to my list. That is one book that I hope never to reread. (I'm not sure why we even OWN that book? Maybe just so it looks pretty on the shelf?) I read it in the 11th Grade, and it seriously made me narcoleptic. But hey, if you're having trouble sleeping, you might want to give it a try.


  1. I'm visiting from Life As Mom, and I added Pride and Prejudice to my list, too! Happy reading!

  2. "The Scarlet Pimpernel" is one of my all-time favorite books. I re-read it last year and wrote a review of it on my blog. "The Screwtape Letters" is up there on the list as well, and, of course, I love me some Jane Austen! Looks like you have a great list going - Happy Reading!

  3. I really enjoyed the Scarlet Pimpernel, too, and you can't go wrong with Jane Austen. The Screwtape Letters are great, too. In other words, you have a great list!

  4. I loved The Ultimate Gift. After reading the book, we watched the movie. It was really good but as is usual, the book was much better. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  5. Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I confess, some of the ones on my list are re-reads, and some are ones I've had sitting around my house for ages waiting to be read. So, here's to Booking It success in 2011! I just picked up The Happiness Project from the library today, and I'm looking forward to jumping into it soon.

  6. I have the same problem with not being able to put a good book down. I've switched to mainly non-fiction now because that's easier for me to read in small chunks. I've never read the Scarlet Pimpernel, though. Maybe I'll make a fiction exception.
