
Friday, January 07, 2011

Fun & Free 2011 Wall Calendar

Last month, you might recall that I shared an idea for making a Christmas 2010 calendar with your kids. The idea originated from one of the mentors at my local MOPS group. My girls LOVED creating it, and we ended up hanging it on the door in our kitchen that leads to the garage. Throughout the month, we hung up some of their other holiday art projects around it. It made for some festive decor that was practical too. Plus, Ella really loved seeing what was coming up on our schedule.

Usually, I rely on a desk calendar of my own making to keep track of my appointments. However, now that Ella is learning how to read calendars in school, I thought it would be fun to keep the wall calendar going on all year long. So, the other night, I sat down at the computer to put together another large wall calendar. I printed it on 4 sheets of paper, trimmed some edges and glued/taped it together. The girls were more than happy to draw something to represent January on their own sheet of paper. When their masterpieces were finished, I glued/taped them to the top. Since they were both born in January, they decided to go with a birthday theme for their creations.

As usual, Lucie wanted to draw a PINK Birthday Cake. She actually surprised me and drew the outline of the cake on her own. Of course, she did request my help for adding the decorations.

Ella drew pictures of herself with cupcakes, presents and a number 6 candle.

Right now, I am LOVING this new monthly tradition, and I think my girls do too. Since not everyone has the computer software or skills to design their own calendars, I decided to share mine with you. Just click on the link below to get the free PDF.

Click to download the free 2011 Wall Calendar.

Download Instructions: Since I'm using the free hosting at MediaFire, once you click through to MediaFire, you will see "Life with Lucie and Ella - Wall Calendar 2011" and a box that says "Click here to start download." When you click to start the download, a dialog box will pop up and ask if you want to open or save it to your computer. Make your selection, and it will be done in a jiffy. When you open the PDF, you can change the page view so you can see an entire month at at time. Click on VIEW and then PAGE DISPLAY and then TWO-UP CONTINUOUS. Printing and assembly instructions are included in the download. Enjoy!


  1. thank you! i am going to print this out now i am sure my kiddos will love it!

  2. Just found this and love it! I'm going to homeschool my 2 sets of twins starting this fall, and this looks like a fun kick off to some of the planning that I'm involving my big girls in!

    So can I be lazy and ask if you are doing a 2012 calendar also? :) Lovey your ideas!!!!

  3. Tiffany - I'm glad you like it! I did this for several months with my girls and we all loved it. We taken a bit of a hiatus since we're moving across country at the moment. I probably will make one for 2012, but that will probably be down the road a bit. I will most likely label it under Calendar and Downloads to make it easier to find then. Thanks for stopping by!
