
Friday, January 14, 2011

Fun Friday: Pretzel Wands

When Ella began kindergarten in September, she had a difficult time adjusting to the five day schedule. Although she had loved going to preschool three times per week, five days was a bit overwhelming to her. She didn't have enough fun time at home. Quite frankly, I missed the fun time together too. So, I instituted "Fun Friday" soon after the beginning of the school year.

On most Fridays, Lucie and I pick Ella up from school, and we head into town to do something fun together. Most of the time, we head to a cute little courtyard with a fountain where we have a little picnic on the bench. Then afterwards, we share a frozen yogurt or play at the nearby toy store.

This past Friday though, we had "Fun Friday" at home. Since Lucie's favorite birthday gift was the "cooking book," I decided that we should actually use the book. I chose an easy recipe for "Sparkly Wands" and modified it to use items we already had stocked in our kitchen. Since I didn't actually have to go buy anything for it, I looked at it as a Free Fun Friday. Plus, it's so easy a three year old can do it. Such a simple way to spend a half an hour with my girls, yet it brought so much joy to them. Why not embrace those simple moments of fun?

Wanna know how we made our wands? Here you go...

Pretzel Wands
Melt some candy melts in a small bowl or ramekin according to package directions. Dip pretzel sticks into the melted candy and twist to coat one half of the pretzel. Roll the candy-coated end of the pretzel  into your choice of sprinkles or colored sugars. Set on a a sheet of waxed or parchment paper to harden. Enjoy!

For other frugal tips, check out Life as Mom for Frugal Friday.

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