
Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year, New Look, New Goals

Since it is a new year, I thought that I'd go for a new header on my blog. Granted, it really isn't that different from the previous one, but I thought that it would be fun to add some pics of the girls. I'm also thinking about changing the header each month with updated pics of my cuties. The added bonus will be that I have pictures of both of them from each month throughout the year. Let me just say, I did not do such a great job in 2010 of capturing their changes on film...I mean on digital file. So, I'm looking for any way to encourage myself to be diligent!

Over the past couple of days, I've been thinking about what my blogging will look like this year. I really do enjoy it and find that it is much easier to blog than to sit down and scrapbook. (I still haven't finished my wedding album, and I got married almost 10 years ago!) My blog is a virtual scrapbook of sorts, one that I hope to keep updated unlike my albums. So, in the spirit of New Year's Resolutions, here are some of my goals for this blog:

  • Blog more frequently. I took LONG hiatus from blogging last year. It just too me awhile to adjust to the changes in our lives during the Fall. Finally at the end of November, I got back to it. I am amazed that I posted 5 times/week from Thanksgiving until Christmas. I'm not sure that I can keep up that pace, but I'd love to try.
  • Improve my photography. I've got a rockin' camera that I really don't know how to use. I just set it to manual and shoot away. I'm hoping to crack open that manual and maybe a book on photography to figure out a way to take better shots. I love being able to include good photos with my posts. They just seem more interesting to me that way.
  • Post some free downloads. In my life before this one with Lucie and Ella, I was an administrative assistant and spent my days creating documents on the computer. Its something that I still do, just for my own purposes rather than my boss'. Every once in awhile, I'd like to post a PDF of something that makes my life a little easier or a bit more fun. Stop by on Friday for the first free download!
  • Write about more than just my kids. Although I started this blog to share pics and stories with our far-off family, it has evolved into something more. I like to post about some of my interests outside of my kids: cooking, decorating, home improvement, writing. 
I hope you'll come back in the days and weeks to come. Although I still view this as a digital scrapbook, I'd like to know that I'm not talking to myself either! 

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