
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

To Run or Not To Run?

The other day, I cracked open my library copy of The Happiness Project. I haven't gotten far into reading it, but it has already gotten me to thinking about changes I could make in my life. In Chapter 1, the author talks about boosting energy by exercise. Exercise? What's that?!

Although I used to be a fit dancer back in my high school days, those days are far behind me. Dancing was the only form of exercise I ever did. It was fun, and I loved it. In my college days, I tried out the gym but it just wasn't for me. I tried running once or twice, but I certainly didn't love that. However, I know enough about running to know that it takes consistency to make it more enjoyable. This week, I've been thinking...what if I start running?

A friend from MOPS is thinking of starting a running group with the hopes of running in a local half-marathon. Half-marathon! That's 13 miles! That sounds like 2 1/2 hours of torture. But part of me is wondering, What if?

I certainly haven't decided to run a half-marathon, but I am toying with the idea. Part of me likes the challenge of doing something difficult that I've never even considered. Part of me likes the idea of doing it with others. So, if I could find the time and energy, it could be cool. Luckily, it is one form of exercise that doesn't require special equipment except shoes...and I've been wearing Asics Gels for the past 15 years anyway. And so I contemplate...

Has anyone ever discovered a great love of running? Or do you find it to be just plain torture?


  1. I am certainly not a runner, but after a couple decades of never even breaking into a jog (I kept pretty fit with dancing and power walking), I started running at the gym as part of a college PE class and while I was trying to lose some weight. I haven't taken it on consistently, but I do agree that it gets more fun after you've been doing it for a while. It's one of those things I'm putting off until later - not that I wouldn't enjoy it now, but it does take a certain amount of time commitment and I don't feel comfortable with prioritizing it over some other stuff in my life right now. But I always enjoy hearing about other people's adventures in running. Best of luck as you consider taking on a marathon!!

  2. Embarking on a fitness journey is invigorating. Choosing sports like padel not only enhances physical health but also adds a social and enjoyable dimension. A racket, a ball, and a healthier lifestyle await!
